We would like to invite you all to the annual CRN Hui and AGM Meeting for 2008.
Date: Tuesday 19th August 2008
Venue: (To be confirmed)
Location: Oamaru, Otago
Time: 2pm-4pm
This year's annual hui will focus on planning for the future and how members of the network can prepare for the Waste Minimisation and Resource Recovery Bill. It will also be a great opportunity to catch-up with other Community Recycling Network members, associates and friends of CRN. If you have any people in your networks who you think would benefit from attending the meeting please feel free to bring them along too.
After the CRN AGM meeting, WRRT will be hosting a forum and invite all CRN members and associates to attend. The forum will comprise of five CRN members presenting five topical issues facing community waste enterprises today which will involve open floor discussion.
Time: 5:30pm - 6:30pm
*Drinks and nibbles will be provided.
The CRN meeting has been planned to kick-off a week of waste activities in the region including the Zero Waste Conference and the Winter Waste Festival being held just down the road in Ashburton. Please let me know if you are interested in attending the conference, as there is a special rate for CRN members. To access the registration form with more information about the conference follow this link: http://www.zerowaste.co.nz/assets/ZeroWasteCarbonrego.pdf You can choose to attend one, two or the whole 3-days of the event.
Included on the registration form is a list of accommodation available in Ashburton. We have a special rate at the Regency Motel http://www.regencyashburton.co.nz/accommodation.htm (if we can get 10 people together) for those who do not mind sharing a room (but you will get your own bed) at $40 per person per night. It is 700 mtrs from the conference hotel and they also have a shuttle if it is raining. Let me know if you are interested ASAP and I will book. Otherwise, prices generally vary between $99 - $125 per room.
For those members interested in attending the CRN meeting but need a bit of support to get there, CRN has some funding that has been allocated to assist CRN members to attend the AGM. Please contact me and we can discuss the options available including assistance with flights, transport, accommodation etc.
Please RSVP to Marianna ([email protected])
October 2007 - CRN Hui, Hamilton
April 2007 - WasteMINZ Workshops
March 2007 - Container Deposit Legislation
November 2006 - Thyme Festival, Alexandra
August 2006 - CRN visit Wellington