CBEC was formed in 1989 to stimulate local development by creating new business and employment opportunities in the Far North that are sustainable to the environment.
It is a community-owned company, giving control and profits to the community through a share-elected Board of Directors. The Board comprised of local people from all walks of life including business, farming, education and the unemployed.
CBEC wanted to create viable and environmentally sound locally owned businesses by building an organisation that would explore and act on opportunities which would strengthen the local economy.

CBEC operate a collection service as a joint venture with Te Runanga o Te Rarawa which operates under the name of Clean Stream Northland. The Far North District Council's Web Site contains all the information on when the transfer stations are open, what type of waste can be dropped off there and also has details about what to do with your prohibited waste.

CBEC deliver their waste education throughout the greater Northland Region through its Slash Trash programme. They also promote the Far North District Council's Waste Not Programme which focuses upon waste minimisation & water conservation. The delivery is to all schools = 70 in the Far North Region as well as a further 70 schools within the Whangarei District.
Slash Trash can deliver to community groups like Probus and environmental societies as well as businesses.

Cliff Colquhoun
PO Box 503
Tel: 09 408 1092
Fax: 09 408 3825
Mob: 09 409 4912
[email protected]