What Can I Do to Help Wanaka Recycle 50%?
- Support the campaign. Put a sticker on your black crate or car bumper, wear a badge (all for sale at the re-use shop for a small price)
- Make a change. Try doing one thing differently to reduce the rubbish you send to the landfill each week.
- Tell your friends about the ♥ Wanaka Recycle 50% campaign.
- Be part of our ‘Top tips’ competition (email us your 'Top Tip' to [email protected]. The best will appear in our newsletter and website).
- Get a free waste audit from Wanaka Wastebusters – we will go through your rubbish with you and give you some ideas about how to reduce it (call Angus on 443 8606).
- Drop off your garden waste to the green waste or compost it at home, instead of sending it to the landfill.
- Compost your food waste (using worm farms, traditional composting or bokashi . To find out which method might suit you best, go to our compost page or look out for a Dr Compost workshop – next one is 15th December at Wanaka Wastebusters, 9am-12pm and costs
only $5).
- Recycle as much as you can.
- Encourage your workplace to recycle.
- Reduce waste – eg choose things with less packaging, buy quality so it lasts longer.
- Sign up for our newsletter to keep in touch with how we’re going, and to get new ideas.
- Use Recirculate www.recirculate.co.nz or Wastebusters’ re-use shop to pass on useful things to other people.